Welcome Page

Welcome to Of Fire and Void. We are an active and growing clan in Kingdom 146 of the highly addictive game Vikings: War of Clans.  Chances are, if you are reading this, you're considering joining our clan or have already done so.

We have been blessed with an active, helpful clan made up of a diverse group of people representing many different cultures and lifestyles.  Our chatroom can get busy at certain times of the day so if you're the social type you'll usually be able to find someone to talk with in there.

However, since we all visit the chatroom at different times it is not a reliable way to make sure that everyone is privy to the same information and that we're all on the same page in terms of clan info, etiquette and what we all need to do to keep things running smoothly.  And so this blog was created to provide a reliable source of information that we can all refer to at anytime.

​This page covers most of the questions and concerns brought up by new people and reading it will help you settle in and get started building up your influence and resources within the game.  We will update this page as more questions and concerns are brought to our attention.

In-Game Acronyms:  NAP stands for non-aggression pact.  These are used when two clans do not want to attack each other but do not want to be allies either.  RSS stands for resources such as food, iron, silver, etc.   RSS tiles are the farms, silver mines, lumber mills and the like that you will find scattered about the kingdom.  The game will automatically "respawn" these tiles periodically.

Allies, Enemies and NAPS:  Check our clan page for a list of our allies and NEVER attack them --- it will create a diplomatic nightmare for your elders if you do.  Hitting another clan, especially a larger one, could have repercussions for your entire clan.  Don't expect everyone else to be happy with you if the clan loses millions in troops and resources because you decided to start a war over a resource tile netting you a few thousand in silver.

Many English-speaking clans have a rule (not always written on their wall) that they won't attack other English.  To be on the safe side, do not attack other clans. Period.   Restrict your attacks to the clanless.  Your opportunity for a real battle will come up soon enough!   Our list of allies can change at any moment and you may not be in the chat room when it's announced.  Therefore, check our clan page often and understand who our friends are!

Remaining Active:  We require that our clan members log in regularly to keep up with their town and knowledge upgrades and to check their system mail for clan announcements.  Most of us log on several times a day.  While we won't impose that as a mandatory practice you MUST log in at least once every three days to remain a member in good standing of this clan.

Buildings and Resources:  Familiarize yourself with the various buildings.  Some of them have attributes or benefits that you wouldn't automatically associate with the building's main purpose.  For instance, the manors provide your town with silver and upgrading the manor will not only increase production but will influence the amount of silver that can be stored in your town.  Beyond that  --  improving your manors will speed up the training time of your warriors!  Read and make a mental note of what each building offers instead of just skimming the descriptions.  Down the road you'll be glad that you took the time.

​When you are viewing your town, the upper left-hand corner of your screen will constantly offer quest suggestions.  It is the opinion of most high-influence players that the building numbers those quests suggest are "off" and won't provide you with enough silver for your builds and knowledge-development; Nor will it provide you with enough food to support the large military force that you'll eventually have.

NONETHELESS, completing  the quests is a good way to level up in the game.  What most of our clan members did here was to follow the suggested quest-builds and upgrades for a bit to get the extra points and level up.  Later on, they changed the layout of their town to better support a growing army.  Details about the layout most of us use will be covered in its own post shortly.

HIVES:  Our clan used to hive.  When you have a hive and you look at it on the screen it gives you a sense security as we know in the real world there is strength in numbers.  Our hive got hit enough times by larger clans to drive home the reality that the sense of security inspired by hiving is ​false.  In our opinion, hiving is a huge liability and makes a clan many times more likely to be hit by high-influence players looking to farm for resources.  It makes it super easy for an enemy to port in and wipe out the entire clan.  When you don't hive they have to port all over to manage surprise attacks.  Since ports are expensive they'd need to be VERY motivated to do that and unlikely to be able to hit everyone.

RSS TILES:  Tile hitting and unintentional battles over RSS tiles (resource tiles) are a common issue.  The majority of the time a tile battle is going to be unintentional and NOT an overt act of aggression. Most of the time a tile hit WON'T be followed by additional aggressive action.  Bring it up with an elder if the same person or the same clan keeps hitting your tiles. Please don't be reactionary over unfortunate events at RSS tiles

Moving up in the clan:  Many people ask how they might move up in the clan.   First of all, we can't have a clan of 100 made up of 90 elders, 8 warriors and 2 rankers.  Spots for clan elders are reserved for those who are very active within the clan and who go the extra mile in support of their clanmates.

​Rankers make up the majority of a clan so if they are active players they will keep the clan's influence score trending higher and with it the clan's ranking within their kingdom.  Rankers, collectively, can wield a lot of power and be the determining factor in how things turn out for a clan on any given day.

​So, please, don't underestimate the importance of EVERYONE in the clan; nor overlook the impact it has to simply have a group of active players who log in at least once a day to keep their builds going and their armies growing. We are very aware of who the more active players are and we appreciate your contribution.

The Clan Store, Prowess Points and Loyalty Points:  You earn both prowess points and loyalty points by clicking to help your clan mates and by completing clan tasks.  You can spend your loyalty points in the store and we highly recommend that you save up and keep at least once peace shield and one teleport at your disposal.

There has been confusion about how the prowess points work.  The figure for prowess points that you see reflects what the entire clan has contributed and what the elders have at their disposal to procure items for the store. The prowess point number is a collective figure that benefits the clan regardless of your rank in the clan.

​To further clarify things, if you were promoted to an elder today it would NOT make more prowess points available for procuring items for the store.  The procurement number is based on the efforts of the entire clan and functions the same regardless of anyone's title.  The ONLY difference between an elder and everyone else with regard to this matter is that the elders get to decide how those procurement points are spent.  Everyone's contribution is automatically reflected in the procurement amount and there is nothing special that you need to do to have it benefit your clan.

It's a clan game, not a Lone Ranger game: In this game we succeed or fail based on our ability to form community, watch out for one another, accept a chain of command and work for a common good.  If you have a personality that inclines you to want to act independently, going about and randomly blowing stuff up regardless of the consequences...well, you would not likely last long in such a game whether in this, or any other, clan.

A Few Ways to Help Yourself and Your Clan

Check in several times a day to tend your troops and check on your builds.  When you do, click on the "helps" for your clanmates and the different tasks.   This benefits everyone and only takes a few minutes of your time.

​When you stop in, make it a point to check our clan page to see if our allies have changed.  Check the battle log and alert an elder if you see anything that is concerning.

From our clan page click on the link that says "List of Clans" in the upper right-hand corner.  This is a list of the clans in our kingdom.  Presently, we are in the top ten.  It behooves each clan member to, number one,  be conscious of our clan's ranking and work collectively to at least maintain our top-ten status and, number two, to be aware of the top ten or fifteen clans as these will be the most active clans in the kingdom.  Within their ranks are our greatest allies and our strongest potential foes.

​If you have the time, familiarize yourself with the most influential people in these clans.  Read their clan pages to see if we have allies or enemies in common.  Inevitably, we will have to defend our clan or help an ally defend theirs. If at least some of our clan are familiar with the cast of characters it will be easier to converse about what might be going on.

​Avoid creating excess work for your elders and unnecessary losses for your clansmates.  Don't tile hit.  Don't hit other clans or spy on them.   You may be strong enough to take on a particular adversary but how are the rest of your clanmates going to fare if the one you attacked comes back seeking vengeance?  In this game your actions affect other people.  Please act accordingly.

​Please don't take on diplomatic or any other type of negotiations that could affect the clan without the knowledge and blessing of Chaos Rising.  She is constantly networking, negotiating and smoothing over rough spots behind the scenes to a degree that's hard to imagine and could never be appreciated enough.  Please don't make her job any more time-consuming than it already is.  If contacted by another clan make her aware right away. 

Line Chat
​In addition to our clan chat within the game we also use line chat to both discuss clan issues and joke around with each other. You can download this app and ask Syn to get you set up.

WARNING:  Our Line chat often features memes, photographs, jokes, language, and discussions of an adult nature.  It is not the appropriate place for children or for those who are offended by profanity and off-color humor.

Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!
​We hope this newbie page has been of help to you and we're glad that you joined our fun and active clan.  Let us know if we can help you!

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