KVK Preparation

The Kingdoms Battle or KVK (kingdom vs Kingdom) is a global competition that takes place roughly every two to four weeks.   During each of these competitions we'll be matched with another kingdom and compete with them for points.

We have been through three KVK events to date and the first two were disasters in terms of our people being informed and
taking appropriate actions. 

In all of the prior KVK competitions we sent out multiple messages and spent hours in the game chat and Line App explaining the rules of KVK and the protocols that most kingdoms follow.

Even so, we had people showing up in chat two and three days into the event wanting to know what was going on.  Clearly, they never read their clan mail, never check the game announcements and simply don't log onto the game frequently enough to know what's going on. 

The entire kingdom lost points all weekend due to clueless people who failed to follow a few basic instructions.  We simply cannot allow this to go on.  As a clan we don't want our people needlessly contributing to KVK point losses.

It is not mandatory that you battle during KVK events or even contribute in other ways if the timing is not convenient for you. HOWEVER, it will be mandatory that everyone in our clan follow the protocols put in place to avoid point loss.


During kvk the opponent cannot hit clanless players whose palace level is a 15 or below. But they can hit anyone who remains in a clan regardless of their level. Therefore the cheapest and safest way to deal with KVK if you fall below level 15 is to leave the clan for the weekend and return when the competition is over.

We want to avoid point loss.  If you don't want to leave the clan you may stay providing that you can remain shielded for the weekend or use one of the other methods for protecting your troops. 

If you promise not to bleed points then we later find your troops unprotected we will have no choice but to remove you from the clan to prevent troop/point loss.  

Note:  Should we win a kvk event only those who scored at least one point will share in the prizes.  Therefore it behooves you to port to the enemy kingdom, hit an invader at least once and then return home if you don't wish to participate beyond that.  And you CAN port while shielded.

Those whose palace is above level 15 have more difficult choices. You can be attacked by the other clan whether you stay or go.  You must do one of the following AND let us know what your plans are:

Participate with a combination of fighting, killing invaders or gathering rss  --  being conscientious about SHIELDING or otherwise protecting your troops when you'll be away from the game.

Let us be clear here--- even someone Mario's size would not walk away from the game for hours leaving his troops unprotected during a kvk event.    NONE OF US ARE STRONG ENOUGH TO DO THAT.

It's very discouraging for warriors to spend hours trying to score points only to see their clanmates back in our kingdom bleeding points through careless action.   POINT LOSS IS COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE and we should not have to keep repeating ourselves on this subject. 

If you're opting to help with the fighting you STILL have to make provisions to protect your troops when you'll be away from the game. 

You can also participate by using the free port to travel to the enemy kingdom to gather RSS or kill invaders for all or a part of the weekend--remaining shielded the entire time and watching that your troops aren't tile hit while they are foraging.

You can opt to remain shielded here in your home kingdom offering shelter to those who need to garrison troops or stash rss.   You can also watch for enemy warriors on our tiles and try to hit them.

Scouts are needed by the warriors.  It's another way that you can help without risking your troops and rss.

No matter what you choose to do you don't need to be glued to the game the entire time.  Even just offering a one-hour time-slot of help would be awesome.

Note that if you are under level 15 and opt to leave the clan during KVK the enemy cannot hit you BUT you CAN hit them.  If you have the troops and are adept at picking targets you could hit the smaller enemy warriors and they CANNOT hit you back. 

I don't advise this unless your troops are strong and well defended or you could lose points instead of gaining them.  If you're not adept at picking targets it would be better to sit back and protect your troops. 


Below is a chart that shows how points are made. Notice that point loss comes from troop loss, not rss loss.  The PRIORITY is protecting your troops.  It does not matter if your village burns so long as there are no troops inside. 

If you cannot afford to shield you need to deposit your rss in a bank and garrison your troops with a clanmate who is shielded for the weekend. You could also send your troops on a dummy march which I will explain below.

During EACH kvk I will make a blog post for that specific competition so that we have a record of how we do. 

PLEASE be advised that if we don't hear from you with at least an assurance that you'll be shielded for the weekend we will assume that your lack of response means that you are one of those people who will neither shield nor actively participate and who will lose points for the kingdom.  If that is the case we will be forced to take steps to reduce the point loss.  It's better for all concerned if you deal with this yourself and notify us of your intent!

Also note that if you are above a level 15 and at warrior status or higher you should be setting an example for others --  point loss for people at that level is pretty much inexcusable.

If you've got third tier warriors or higher you make a juicy target for the enemy and if you walk away from the game leaving all of these points exposed you put your elders in a terrible predicament.

We have to either sit back and watch you bleed points as the enemy hits you or expel you from the clan and hit you ourselves to keep them from scoring and taking your rss.

We were reluctant to take such drastic action last time without people first being warned of the possibility. Consider yourselves warned.

We DON'T want responsibility for your troops during KVK and we don't want the hard feelings that would be created by us having to take action in your absence.   Please, handle your own village. 

This may seem harsh but we are a clan.  The needs of the many take priority over the needs of the one.  It's not fair to those who work hard and lose their troops in battle to have clan mates losing points through careless action.   

Here is a list of how points are scored during KVK.

Note that in order to earn points gathering RSS you must be in the enemy kingdom!  A free  port is available to get over there.  You should not be gathering RSS on home turf during kvk.  The risk of being tile hit is great and it yields no points. 


Ideally you'd port to a spot along the perimeter of the kingdom. Choose several abandoned villages as far away from your location as possible.  Starting with your most expensive troops send them on marches to these abandoned villages. Max out each march.

The game will tell you how long your troops will be marching and this will be MANY hours.  Send your rss to a bank or a friend for safe keeping.

Your troops cannot be hit while marching.  They will take hours to reach their destinations, hit the abandoned villages and then begin the long march back home.

If your village is hit by the enemy while your troops are gone they will not score points and none of your warriors will be killed.

It's of the utmost importance that you check back in about the time that your troops would be returning  in order to send them on another march.  This method is very effective and does not cost anything but it does require and awareness of time and good timing.  

Any questions please ask!  I made this page in haste to have the info up for this weekend's kvk and will clean it up later. 

Click the links below for a pages dedicated to past kvk weekends.

K146 vs K165 -- July 28, 2016

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