Thursday, July 28, 2016

KVK -- K146 vs K165

Last weekend of July 2016

Kingdom 146 vs. Kingdom 165

We won!!!

Great work clan!    But, we will likely have a tougher opponent next time so let's keep working and growing!    

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Introducing WWM

While searching the internet for information about this game I checked YouTube and struck gold when I found video tutorials by a Jarl named WWM.  His advice on armor REALLY made the game 100% better for me.

​And when he runs numbers on the invaders and such he presents it in such a way that even mathematically challenged people like myself can understand it.   After listening to his KVK video today I decided to contact him and ask permission to link to his videos here.  Permission was granted!

​Look in the categories for WWM blog posts,  Those will reference his videos.  Here is a video of his tips for KVK.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Invaders and Leveling Up

Here is a quick 5 minute video on invaders and leveling up.  For more info on invaders see the videos by WWM previously mentioned on this blog.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Hero Sets

We have always been able to use the second chance goodie to change our hero's skill tree according to what we're doing at the moment.  And of course we could always make armor to enhance certain stats.  But it was quite tedious to change these around and it was not something you could do in an ins​tant if attacked!

​Now with the latest game upgrades you can make various sets of armor ---  war armor, learning armor, etc., then use "second chance" to adjust your skill tree to that armor and its purpose  AND, this is the awesome part, SAVE the entire configuration in the new Hero Sets feature.

So if you're wearing armor designed to boost your learning speed and you're suddenly attacked you can switch to your war armor and its accompanying skill tree with the click of a button.  This is just so bad ass!  I love it!

​I'd like to start talking about the armor, hero sets and the skill trees more in the coming weeks. For now here's a video on the two hero sets that I've put together!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Building your village

It seems like every high influence player has their own formula for setting up the ideal village.  Let's start with some basic guidelines that come from our clan elder Syn.

On the right-hand side of your village, build two each of stone, iron and lumber and make the rest farms.

​On the left-hand side build four each of barracks, infirmaries and manors.

​As you grow into an experienced player in your own right you may tweak this formula to match your playing style.  One fact remains though, feeding your army is a balancing act that becomes more and more difficult as you amass more warriors.  Many of us in this clan learned the hard way to keep our food production at least slightly ahead of troop growth and I'll get into that more in a minute. 

In general, when it comes to spending your points as you level up it's tempting to want to dump all the points into military categories.   Many of us have done this and realized the folly of our choices later on.

Each of the building types eventually does contribute to the strength of your army in the end so it's a much smarter move in the long run to NOT go whole hog into building warriors while ignoring the growth of your village.  There's no point in amassing a huge military force and yet place them in a house of straw expecting them to do well for you.  In the long run, they won't. Distribute some points towards skills that will support your army and level up your buildings, especially your farms, as you go along.

​Below is a screen shot of my village that I took yesterday.

I used Syn's formula here and I'm glad that I did. With over 100k in troops I could put a shield over my town and walk away for a week to go on vacation.  When I returned, my village would have produced enough food to feed my army, without foraging, in my absence.  In  my opinion, that should be everyone's goal.  You're going to have to forage for other RSS to accomplish your builds and achieve knowledge but if you don't have to be constantly distracted with the need to feed your warriors you'll be able to give your full attention to other aspects of the game.  

​Below is a screen shot of the Hero's Skills area where you can assign points as you level up. Notice how I maxed out the food production skill.  That, and upgrading the number of farms that Chaos recommends will keep you from getting "in the red" when it comes to feeding your troops.

Below is a screen shot of the "Economic" skills available for learning through your Oracle building.  Notice how I maxed out the farming skill?  I did not pay attention to that skill in the beginning,  I underestimated its importance as many in this game do when they first start.  Later on, I regretted it and started upgrading that knowledge whenever I could.

How can you tell if your food production is slightly ahead of your troop growth?  That's easy!  Visit your palace and click on "Statistics" in the upper right-hand corner, then select "Food" which should be on the top of the list.   This will tell you how much food you're producing each day, how much of that food your warriors are consuming and what the difference is --  whether surplus  or deficit.  You can check this daily to see if you need to upgrade a farm or two before creating more troops.  There's more details about the food topic in one of our other posts called "Feeding Your Troops" and that post is a video -- for those who learn better that way.

​We've covered some of the basics and pointed out the importance of food and farming, what about  the rest of your village?  Many of the structures offer up some sweet bonuses as you level them up to their maximum.

​At level 21, the wall offers you a 25% defense bonus!  Sweet!  At level 21, the tower reduces the attack of enemy troops on your town by 10% and ups that benefit by one percent for each subsequent level.   The vault won't protect your silver until you reach level 21 but at that point it's safeguarding one million of each RSS.

​Upgrading the shrine of Odin increases the number of marches you can send out at once which greatly influences your tile runs to collect rss.  Some of the buildings have extra bonuses that you wouldn't immediately associate  with their stated purpose. For instance, the manors provide your village with silver but they have the added bonus of speeding up the training of your warriors.

​Every 3 to 5 weeks there will be a Kingdom vs. Kingdom event.  What sort of role do you see yourself playing during these events?  There are many ways to rack up points for your clan and for yourself.  Killing a level three invader on enemy turf nets you MILLIONS in points during KvK events  --  you need not be a warrior who constantly expends troops to play the game.   Think about how you want to play the game  --  offensively, defensively or a combination and keep that in mind as you build your town and create your army.